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Chip Test Socket

    Product IntroductionWith design templates, drawings of sockets and covers designed for a specific chip can be quickly completed. For different chips, the standard socket will give the product the same dimensional characteristics and a uniform overall appearance.
    Product CharacteristicsStandard material, provide the best test performance, suitable for WLCSP, BGA, QFN, QFP variety of packages, 0.3~1.0mm pin spacing, optimized positioning frame design, excellent contact resistance and current tolerance, three-temperature test capability (-40°C-150°C)
    Package TypeQFN
    Mechanical PropertyProduct pin spacing: 0.3~1.0mm, probe elasticity: 30±5g, test travel 0.45mm
    ReliabilityProbe service life: >50K, test socket service life: >100K, cleaning frequency: 5K
    Materials UsedMaterial: Aluminum alloy, ceramic PEEK, other engineering plastics specified by customers, spring probe head material: alloy, gold, spring material: spring steel
    Electrical PropertyContact resistance: 50mQ, current carrying capacity: ≤2A continuous current, bandwidth: >20GHZ@-1db

  • Parameters
    Product IntroductionWith design templates, drawings of sockets and covers designed for a specific chip can be quickly completed. For different chips, the standard socket will give the product the same dimensional characteristics and a uniform overall appearance.
    Product CharacteristicsStandard material, provide the best test performance, suitable for WLCSP, BGA, QFN, QFP variety of packages, 0.3~1.0mm pin spacing, optimized positioning frame design, excellent contact resistance and current tolerance, three-temperature test capability (-40°C-150°C)
    Package TypeQFN
    Mechanical PropertyProduct pin spacing: 0.3~1.0mm, probe elasticity: 30±5g, test travel 0.45mm
    ReliabilityProbe service life: >50K, test socket service life: >100K, cleaning frequency: 5K
    Materials UsedMaterial: Aluminum alloy, ceramic PEEK, other engineering plastics specified by customers, spring probe head material: alloy, gold, spring material: spring steel
    Electrical PropertyContact resistance: 50mQ, current carrying capacity: ≤2A continuous current, bandwidth: >20GHZ@-1db

Chip Test Socket
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Chip Test Socket


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