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Chip Test Socket

    Product IntroductionSocket drawings for specific chip designs can be quickly completed with specific design templates. For different chips, the standard socket will give the product the same dimensional characteristics and a uniform overall appearance.
    Product CharacteristicsStandard material, provide the best test performance, suitable for WLCSP, BGA, QFN,QFP variety of packages, 0.3~1.0mm pin spacing, optimized positioning frame design, excellent contact resistance and current tolerance, three-temperature test capability (-40°C-150°C)
    Package TypeBGA
    Mechanical PropertyProduct pin spacing: 0.3~1.0mm, probe elasticity: 30±5g, test travel 0.45mm
    ReliabilityProbe service life: >50K, test socket service life: >100K, cleaning frequency: 5K
    Materials usedMaterial: Aluminum alloy, ceramic PEEK, other engineering plastics specified by customers, spring probe head material: alloy, gold, spring material: spring steel
    Electrical PropertyContact resistance: 50mQ, current carrying capacity: ≤2A continuous current, bandwidth: >20GHZ@-1db

  • Parameters
    Product IntroductionSocket drawings for specific chip designs can be quickly completed with specific design templates. For different chips, the standard socket will give the product the same dimensional characteristics and a uniform overall appearance.
    Product CharacteristicsStandard material, provide the best test performance, suitable for WLCSP, BGA, QFN,QFP variety of packages, 0.3~1.0mm pin spacing, optimized positioning frame design, excellent contact resistance and current tolerance, three-temperature test capability (-40°C-150°C)
    Package TypeBGA
    Mechanical PropertyProduct pin spacing: 0.3~1.0mm, probe elasticity: 30±5g, test travel 0.45mm
    ReliabilityProbe service life: >50K, test socket service life: >100K, cleaning frequency: 5K
    Materials usedMaterial: Aluminum alloy, ceramic PEEK, other engineering plastics specified by customers, spring probe head material: alloy, gold, spring material: spring steel
    Electrical PropertyContact resistance: 50mQ, current carrying capacity: ≤2A continuous current, bandwidth: >20GHZ@-1db

Chip Test Socket
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Chip Test Socket


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